Join us for a live event at the Fuge in Warminster, PA on a history of sonobuoys-- from a long-time expert in acoustics!
To listen to the livestream, you must be on our email distribution list. Email us at mail@ColdWarHistory.org to be included. Zoom link will only be shared on the date of the program. Zoom line opens at 7pm ET and program will promptly start at 7:30pm ET. Thank you.
Event address:
The Fuge
780 Falcon Circle
Warminster, PA 18974
The lecture will be held in “The Studio” on the 3rd floor of the Fuge. Enter the building from the Tranquility Brewing Co. entrance and proceed down the hallway ahead of you to the first hallway on the right. Turn right and proceed through the glass doors to the end of that hallway, bear right and a quick left and take the large freight elevator on your left to "The Studio".
About Art Horbach
Art Horbach has over 50 years’ experience in the development of undersea acoustic systems. He has accumulated more than 1200 hours flying in P-3 aircraft, deploying sonobuoys; planning for and conducting shipboard sea testing; analyzing and processing data; and in laboratory computer modeling of underwater sound propagation. He has written over 20 formal reports and published papers, and over 50 technical memoranda in the field of sonobuoys and underwater and under-ice acoustics. He is one of the co-authors of the reference book “The Ears of Air ASW: A History of U.S. Navy Sonobuoys.”
Early in his career, Art concentrated on the Deep Submergence Systems Program at the Naval Applied Science Laboratory.
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2025
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
The Fuge- 780 Falcon Circle, Warminster, PA