Take Charge and Move Out- The Founding Fathers of TACAMO
Join us for a live event at the Fuge in Warminster, PA for a presentation on the birth of the US Navy’s “Take Charge and Move Out” (TACAMO) mission which provides essential airborne communications to the US nuclear deterrence forces.
To listen to the livestream, you must be on our email distribution list. Email us at mail@ColdWarHistory.org to be included. Zoom link will only be shared on the date of the program. Zoom line opens at 7pm ET and program will promptly start at 7:30pm ET. Thank you.
Lew's book, Take Charge and Move Out, the Founding Fathers of TACAMO will also be available for purchase and for a book signing.
The US Navy’s “Take Charge and Move Out” (TACAMO) mission provides essential airborne communications to the US nuclear deterrence forces. Today it is a thriving community, respected by the Navy and the US strategic defense forces.
But it wasn’t always so. Despite the enormous importance of the mission, for the first decade of their existence, the TACAMO squadrons did not provide a viable career path for officers, instead being a “one and done” tour for the junior officers who found themselves unluckily so assigned. A second tour in the squadrons was considered to be professional suicide. But in 1975, a handful of lieutenants put their faith in a community that did not yet exist, betting their careers on that second tour. From their faith and courage was born the TACAMO community.
This is the story of the birth of TACAMO, in the words of ten pioneers who built the community from scratch, and the commanding officer who inspired them.
Event address:
The Fuge
780 Falcon Circle
Warminster, PA 18974
The lecture will be held in “The Studio” on the 3rd floor of the Fuge. Enter the building from the Tranquility Brewing Co. entrance and proceed down the hallway ahead of you to the first hallway on the right. Turn right and proceed through the glass doors to the end of that hallway, bear right and a quick left and take the large freight elevator on your left to "The Studio".
About Lewis McIntyre
Lewis' literary background is unusual: an engineer who can actually write! He graduated from the US Naval Academy with a BS in Aeronautical Engineering and got his MS in the same field from the US Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey. He spent his Navy career flying various aircraft until retiring in 1990. He then began a second career as a civilian contractor for the Navy, retiring from that in 2020 to pursue writing full-time. He has a passion for history and loves historical fiction that brings the past to life, putting the reader in a time machine back to a time like our own, but also so very different. He is a member of the Historical Writers of America (MWA). the Maryland Writers' Association (MWA) and is vice president of the Charles County chapter of the MWA. He is also a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Association of Physics Teachers.
Thursday, April 10, 2025
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
The Fuge- 780 Falcon Circle, Warminster, PA